We recently added support for logging into Zoho with your Google or Yahoo Accounts. What about Google Apps users?
Well, we support that too. Google Apps users can also login to Zoho with your Google Apps account. For this to work, you first have to login in to your Google Apps account. Here are the steps…
- Login to your Google Apps Account
- Go to any Zoho App and select Google Sign-In
- Confirm that you want to use your Google Apps account
- Grant Access to login to Zoho
If you are not signed-in to your Google Apps account before signing in to Zoho, Google rightly assumes that your are signing in with your Google account and not your Google Apps account. So you’ll have to login to your Google Apps first before logging into to Zoho.
Now that you can login to any Zoho App with your Google Apps account, it opens up some interesting possibilities. More on that later…
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