Zoho Writer provides you with quite a few page setup options. For accessing them, click on the Page Setup icon (third from left, first row of the Zoho Writer toolbar). The pop-up window has 3 tabs marked General, Header & Footer.
In the General tab, you can set the font face, font size, page bg color, top/bottom & left/right margins, paper size, direction (those in the Middle-East can set right-to-left for Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu etc) & line spacing. All these properties can be set for each document by default. And if you want this to be applied to every new document you create, you can check the ‘Make it default for All New Documents‘ checkbox.
In the Header and Footer tabs you can choose what to display in the Left, Middle, Right areas of the Header/Footer sections of a document.
And the icon adjacent to Page Setup is Page View. Use it to see how your page will look while it’s printed - both width-wise & length-wise (where a page ends & the next one begins). The Page View is in Read Only mode currently & we will be extending this option to Edit mode soon.
Use the above options while drafting your documents in Zoho Writer & let us know in the comments below of how it went.