I am so Happy to hear that Yesterday Panoramio added photos up to ID 10760000 to Google Earth, that means around 750,000 new photos improving the experience in Google Earth. That also means that out of my 2 previously mentioned Panoramas, First one (id: 10410584) is now viewable in Google Earth. The next update will be around August 10th and will include photos reviewed before July 27th which may include my second one too.
Asfaar Burhaniyah 2.0
Asfaar Mubaraka of al Dai al Fatemi Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (tus) across the globe since 1424. (previous asfaar shall be added too insha allah as soon as possible.)The Placemark centered is the Current Location of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (TUS).
comments are welcome.