Last week, during the Google I/O conference, it appears Google managed to make another imagery update for Google Earth - and apparently already in Maps as well. So far Google has not officially announced the update. Maybe they were trying to turn it into a June update? However, GEB readers are way too savvy for that. Thanks to several tips from readers here, I have a list of sites which do indeed appear to have received new imagery last week (I'm still waiting for confirmation from Google):
Europe - Austria was the first place I heard got new imagery. There was even a news piece about this new 25 cm aerial imagery. Thanks to Martin for the tip. Several other eastern european countries appear to have updates including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, and Montenegro.
Central America - Mexico - many areas around the country, but particularly the outskirts of Mexico City; Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, Panama, and Honduras - all got some new strips of Digital Globe imagery. Also, a lot of new coverage for Dominican Republic.
South America - Some new coverage for Peru, Brazil; also, Trinidad and Tobago. A bit north, Grenada got some new strips as well.
Africa - Nigeria got a lot of new coverage; nearby countries may also have some new coverage as well. Abidjan for example got a bunch of new images. Kampala in Uganda got some.
India - It appears a lot of new imagery was added for India.
Myanmar - Not surprisingly, some new imagery showed up for this storm-damaged country.
Thailand - Lots of new imagery for Thailand.
Philippines - I have seen many reports about the new imagery in the Philippines.
Thanks to all the many folks who sent me tips on the imagery over the last week. My apologies for not listing everyone's name, it's been a busy day of posts and catching up with E-mails! If you've heard of other areas, leave a comment here.